Ha Jolly Ha

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Ok Chevalier, I'll answer these questions, but I am so darn melancholic I never can decide about these things.

1. Books I've Owned

I taught myself to read when I was four and I haven't stopped since. Still, I am young, so my personal collection is fairly small. I would guess I have around 200-300 books altogether. Most are fiction (classics, not modern) but I've got a growing collection of Pieper and spiritual works. The only poetry collections I own are of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Joyce Kilmer, though eventually I'd like to get The Sonnets from the Portuguese and some Gerard Manley Hopkins.

2. Last Book I Bought

For myself or someone else? The last book I bought was a birthday present for my best friend. It was Flee to the Fields, a collection of Agrarian essays. For myself...thats harder to remember. My sister bought me a copy of The Light Princess by George MacDonald, author of many splendid fairy tales, and I bought a whole load of books all at once for classes last semester. I guess I was most excited about the Compendium of Theology by St. Thomas Aquinas.

3. The Last Book I Read

I recently finished Kim, by Rudyard Kipling, and The Warden, by Anthony Trollope (hence my second post). Right now, I am reading The Sadness of Christ, by St. Thomas More, and Emma, Jane Austen of course. My family is also reading aloud Adam Bede, by George Eliot, and my mom and I have been diverting ourselves with The Light Princess, by George MacDonald.

4. Five Books That Mean A Lot To Me

1) Commentary on the Gospel of John by St. Thomas Aquinas - I got my hands on a copy earlier this year after reading a snipet for class. Its indescribably beautiful. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but its the kind of book you could savor your whole life.

2) The Lord of the Rings - I read it when I was about ten, and have been a die-hard fan ever since. Nota bene, I don't like the movies very much.

3) Confessions of a Convert by Robert Hugh Benson - I am forever indebted to Dr. Reyes for introducing me to this book. The ideas and the prose are both lovely.

4) Man Alive by G. K. Chesterton - No one makes fun of modernity better than he does.

5) Leaf by Niggle by Tolkien - This always makes me cry. Its a short allegory about the journey of the soul toward heaven, and I especially love the portrayal of purgatory and also the sub-creativity of man.

5. Tag Five People

My circle of blogging acquaintances is too small. Sorry don't know anyone to tag.


Blogger Raindear said...

No problem! (:

11:22 PM  

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